About us

NGO News (https://ngonewsbd.com) is a great source of information about all kinds of Non Governmental Organization activities, NGO related news and information worldwide. Anyone can easily understand what are we going to give our user. Basically NGO News dot com is a service-oriented organization.

We have a vast collection of NGO related information and links. You can use it easily to find any news about NGO. If you want to visit huge websites, we have nothing to say, but if you want to get all information in a single platform in a single click, we will suggest you to visit our website. We can assure you that, https://ngonewsbd.com is the best one website in the world to give you the NGO related news and information. It’s a place where you can find all of NGO news in your grip.

We have a number of quality workers in our team. All of them completed their higher education from the famous public universities. They are really hard working, dedicated, enthusiastic and self motivated to give service our clients and users. Our team leader Ms. Nazmun Nahar is a prominent journalist of Bangladesh.

Ms. Nazmun already achieved the unique quality of journalism. Currently she is doing her duty as Editor and Chief Executive Officer of NGO News. So we believe that our user will get something better than others about NGO related news worldwide.