The data which are used in is the property of site owner only. Our information is hundred percent authentic and accurate. There is no chance to use this data without the aforementioned permission from this site authority. If anyone does this kind of unethical work, we will take necessary legal action. So be careful about this notice.
We have collected data in many ways. One of the popular methods of data collection is through email such as press releases or from contributors. The email address is given on the site. Everyone is welcome to submit his/her organizational news such as education, health, human rights, environment, poverty etc. The contact address is given in the Contact Us button. But information or data which is given by others should be correct, completed and updated. Otherwise data informer will be accused for that. But there are full rights of the NGO News authority to erase any data from this site if it seems that the data is not valid or it could be harmful for the site owner or for the society or NGO NewZ dot com users.
It is fully forbidden to submission of any illegal or pornographic information, photo or link here. If anyone do this we will take necessary legal action as soon as possible to the guilty.
It is true that the vision of the NGONewz authority is doing some business but this is not our ultimate aspiration or goal at all. Actually, we have born to give some service to the reader all over the world. But there is some expansion to maintain the site such as domain, hosting charge with server maintenance. That’s why we need some financial support to survive. Usually, we collect revenue from advertisements and donations.
The information may be retained and used by NGO News for a reasonable period, reflecting our need to answer queries or resolve problems, to provide improved and new services further or any data retention requirements of the law. But we can assure you that we will never sell, rent or give your personal data to any third party except where the law permits or unless you specifically agree.
NGO News authority has a deep enthusiasm to implement the latest technology and security measures to safeguard the privacy of its user from loss and unauthorized access or improper use. We have the right to preserve the information of the clients in its database for reference.
Though we have deep effort and keen interest to preserve our user privacy, sometimes we may need to disclose personal information when required by law wherein we have a good-faith belief that such action is indispensable to act in accordance with an existing judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served on our website.